the healing power of the rose
honoring your inner divinity
Just imagining the scent of roses fills my heart with a sense of ease.. She feels like an old friend, a mother, a big sister, holding you in compassion, acting as carriage for the difficult ebbs in our life. She is ruled by Venus and thus she reminds us how to grow sensitive to our own needs. She gives us the soft strength to support ourselves where we are, and acts as an ally on the journey towards where we are going. Her thorns teach us the grace of boundaries, of the sacred NO, as her petals teach us how to feel into our sacred YES. She is an ally for all people, but especially for those on a healing journey, or those connected to the healing arts. Rose lets us breathe, lets us rest, lets us sweetly connect to ourselves, body, mind and spirit.
The Rose Code Healing Sessions are a two hour dedication to your healing journey. These sessions call in the sacred plant medicine of the Rose, combining her loving, sensory, nature with intuitive energywork, bodywork, and ritual floral bathing of the feet (our connection) and hands (our offering). The Rose Code Healing Sessions are an intuited channeling of the ancient practices of The Priestesses of Antiquity, these transmissions bridge together the archetype of the Living Goddess, as it stretches to meet us through time and space.
Rose Code Healing Sessions clear blockages that reside in the body from trauma, injury, and the inability to express one’s true essence. These sessions create space for your authenticity to be felt, and for your individual expression of the Goddess, as she is alive in you, to be honored.
What to expect:
To begin the ceremony, you will receive the magic of the rose spirit through the senses of sight, taste, scent, and touch. You will be tasting her tea, smelling her essential oils, feeling her petals on the skin, and meditating on her divine structure as we separate her petals for the ceremonial hand and foot bath, encoding each one with a prayer. Receiving the sacred plant medicine of the Rose activates your body into the frequency of self-love and radical self-permission. This creates the platform for clearing to take place as you raise vibration and create a deeper sense of self reverence.
Then we will go into 60 minute therapeutic massage with rose aromatherapy.
Next we will move into caring for the energetic body. 30 minutes of Intuitive energywork clears energetic blockages, opening channels of communication, pleasure, and worship, creating space to ~ dream ~ while awake. In this phase, we will use rose as an ally to bring sweetness and softness to our auric field, awakening us to sense deeper.
We end the ceremony with Ritual Floral Bathing of the hands & feet. This dedication is an ode to worship, honor, purification and reclamation of your inner goddess. Water is a purifier, as well as a library of memory, and in this final step she blesses us with her magic. We soak the petals, each given with a prayer, into this water, and as the feet and hands are soaked, the prayers are recognized by the body and actualized.

All offerings are on a sliding scale, please consider paying what you can, based on income and dedication.
A percentage of proceeds go towards “paying it forward” ~ donating sessions to community members who cannot afford them.
If you are drawn to this work but cannot pay, please email me.
Sliding Scale:
$222 ~ $333 +

*currently providing care only to the greater Santa Fe area. Follow me on instagram for information about travel offerings @earthside.medicine
Send me a few options of times that would work for you, and any questions, concerns, allergies, or specifications.
I will respond to your inquiry with an approval of your appointment, and any necessary information for your booking.