Medicine for the Evolving being
Serving globally & locally in northern New Mexico

.::remembering nourishment::.
~ Offering personalized care for body and spirit on an accessible sliding scale ~
Bespoke bodywork
Personalized care for your physical and energetic being. Bespoke massage tailored to you.
~ Click link for more information on offerings and booking ~
Earth Essence Consultations
Explore plant spirit medicine, gems, and reiki energy with a customized essence blend made specifically for your individual care and growth
~ Book a consultation today or see what is available in the Velvet Oracle Apothecary ~
intuitive energy work
Soft care for gentle souls, regulating the energetic and electric self.
Intuitive Energy Work, informed by the traditions of Reiki and Polarity.

.::Adornment medicine::.
What is adornment medicine?
Adornment medicine, or ritual adornment, is an ancient, cross-cultural practice, that unifies magic, beauty, and art. Using metals, crystals, and talismans, ritual adornment pieces are infused with specific intentions and reiki energy to imbue the adorned with protection, inspiration, and healing.
Curious to see what that would look like for you?
Book your free consultation today !

rose codes healing sessions

belly dance, fire dance, and ritual theater